
Thursday, November 27, 2014

This last week was supposed to be filled with holiday preparations, busy mornings in the studio, trips into the city to watch my little man play soccer at the actual Timbers stadium, and baking up all sorts of goodies, including these chocolate truffles from the Minimalist Baker (those alone make for a great week). Instead, preschool germs got the best of me. A cold that no amount of tea, steam, or soup was able to beat. And I was just about ready to throw myself a pity party. 

And then the boys brought me cough drops. Unwrapped, sticky, and maybe even pre-licked a few times. But still so sweet. Mark made endless cups of tea and never once commented on my week old outfit of sweatshirts and leggings. That's really the very best a husband could do. 

I was reminded again just how lucky I am. For this and so much more….

  • like a healthy 6 year-old boy post-concussion
  • a 3 year-old who holds hands with his playmates and cheers them up when they run out of glitter (don't we all still need friends like this?)
  • the opportunity to continue my post-graduate coursework…and have a reason to use highlighters
  • friends who jump in to help with my homework, knowing that mama & research paper are hard to do at the same time
  • a little brother who never fails to surprise with his unending generosity
  • a house where the boys chase each other around the halls, build couch cushion forts, and booby traps on the stairs. I will miss this chaos someday. 
  • a husband who loves me even when I'm not very lovable
  • a thriving business with customers who have become friends

Cheers to everyone for a love-filled, happy Thanksgiving! 
