I'm up to my eyeballs in orders right now, my husband's away on business, and my toddler is displaying a curiously strong rambunctious streak these past few days.....plus, I'm up early enough to watch the sun rise... and happened upon this prayer. It put things in perspective for me. It reminds me of being a kid in Oregon & complaining about the rain and adults would always say something like, "ah, yes, but think of how glorious the summers are here." And it's true. Summers in Oregon are amazing. And I think Oregonians appreciate every little drop of sunshine that comes our way. Kind of a metaphor for life I suppose.
I pray you enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how gray the day may appear.
I pray you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more.
I pray you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting.
I pray you enough pain so that even the smallest of joys in life may appear bigger.
I pray you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I pray you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I pray you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye.
I love that picture of the two of you. And up to your eyeballs in orders. I know it can get overwhelming sometimes, but yay! Hope I'm writing a post about the very same thing soon...
That poem absolutely says it all. How sweet and simple.
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