Hooray! I finished the little Wee Wonderful Archie I had been working on. But, oh. No. Hmmm. He's a little, well, 70's mod. A Beatle maybe? Not quite what I had in mind. I hope this outift isn't any indication as to how well I dress Jack. And don't look now but his mouth already needs some restitching. The happy bit? Jack loved him & gave him a big squeeze even before he was fully stuffed (which might account for the wonky head?) Anyhow, the directions were straightforward & I enjoyed it as much as i can enjoy working with a pattern, though I did leave off the flat bum part & next time I'll stitch the face before sewing him all up- despite what the directions say. So yes. Next time.
p.s If you're feeling lucky be sure to check out my Etsy shop giveaway (click here)...enter to win $10, $15, & $25 shopping bucks!!
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