Hello Spring!
The blossoms are definitely here in Oregon & with Easter drawing near, I pulled out a card I made for Jack last year. Freshed it up a bit & added a few instructions so you could make your own. It's a great for using fabric scraps & I'm also going to use it as example for Jack to make a spring collage- glue fabric bits of grass & eggs on card stock. {More projects on my tutorial page: http://quiltish.blogspot.com/p/tutorials-and-ideas.html}

i love how it's patchworky & crazy stitched

the one from last year. messed it with my writing :(
materials: blank card or cardstock, fabric bits for eggs & grass, scissors, pencil, thread *( fray check if you please, fusible interfacing if you want to go all out)

stack your fabric bits. draw an egg ( i did free hand, which is why it looks like a gumdrop...but ah, well). i think cutting them out in pile is easiest.

look at your pretty little eggs.

cut your grass fabric in rectangle slightly smaller than your card. plus, consider how high you want it. ( i.e. are you the wait till the grass is knee-high before mowing kind of person?)

sketch some grass on the back. you can see my lawn is very rough & spiky :)

if you cut wisely you'll have two pieces (for two cards!)

arrange your eggs on the grass. be sure that part of the egg is covered by the grass. this is the only tricky part of making the card. this is how the eggs will stay attached. *if you like, you can dab a bit of glue or spray adhesive (though i'd be a bit cautious of bleed through) -plus you want your eggs & grass to move a bit freely...well, at least i do.

stitch. this is the best part- you can stitch in a crazy pattern- just be sure to "catch" each egg, you might need to fold bits over, so be prepared to use your nimble fingers. as a tip, i think it's easiest to sew the two sides of grass in place first. you could obviously get more advance than i & use a more planned stitching approach, fancy thread, fray check, etc.
Presto! Cheery card for spring!
For the kiddos: same idea as above but instead of stitching, they could glue the fabric bits onto the cardstock. .. add baby chicks, birds, & butterflies as you please :)
This is such a great idea! It's lovely. This would be a good mother/daughter project too non? I'd do the sewing bit though. lol. Thanks for sharing this!
So sweet and cheerful! Thanks for sharing this great idea. I have a ton of little scrapes of fabric perfect for this fun project.
So cute and spring-like!
Lovely idea and fun project for the kiddos!
Love it!! Then again, I love all of your beautiful creations! Thanks for sharing :-)
I just voted for your nominated clutch on etsy. It's amazing. Congrats on being chosen for voting!
I discovered your lovely blog and found your beautiful card tutorial...Thanks for sharing it is clever and gorgeous!
love it
glad everyone likes this card, take a pic & share if you make one too!
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