Made these little stationery cards by sewing bits of selvage edges on the sides of blank cards I had laying about. (well, they were left over from our wedding....five years ago!) But anyhow, I think it turned into something lovely!
I plan on using these little cards as gift notes when orders are sent directly to the recipient. Just this last week I was asked by a customer to write a message in French to be sent to his mum in France. Of course, I have no idea what it said, but I loved being (a small!) part of that gift giving experience.
I used to save fabric selvage edges to wrap up gifts & bundles of fabric....but my friend, Cindy began using selvage edges to create charming & clever pincushions. She has just opened a fantastic new shop, Sewing on the Edge, to showcase these lovelies. This inspired me to put selvages to better use. Mostly, I just send them to her.......but I think I'll save a few to make these cards.
Allisa, these cards are amazing. Very excellent use of selvages. So use what you can, and I'll be happy to receive whatever is left over...
those are beautiful!!
Beautiful cards!! I sew cards, too, but not as nice as yours!!!
What a great idea! I have tons of the selvedge edges that I can't bear to throw away (I know it's a sickness!). But this would be a great idea. Thanks for sharing!
I love this idea better then take them all, sew together and make a quilt. This is much less intensive!
Thanks for sharing!
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