Business Bits - Decision Making

Monday, August 23, 2010

Topic: Decision Making

I've been intrigued with Leslie Blodgett, the CEO of BareEscentuals, the minute I heard her story.

This gal has got some major moxie.

Admittedly, there are junctions on her path I would handle differently, particularly when it comes to family. But, in the end, she makes decisions. Big decisions.  She singelhandedly rebranded this company (BareMinerals), added to the collection, and discovered a platform to share the make-up with an eager audience. does a wonderful job outlining her story ( a good read!)

I was lucky enough to be able to join an online conversation with her last week & experienced her savviness first hand.  I walked away impressed again by her decision making accuity.
{Indecision Tote Bags by MrPS }

I am not a terribly wonderful decision maker. I waffle, ponder, weigh, reflect, analyze, scrutinize, debate....all until the point of paralysis. It's so easy to think about things to the point where no decision is ultimately made. That's something I currently struggle with.  It's often fear, anxiety, naivete, and confusion that holds me back. I am trying to be more decisive. In small business it's usually just us making the decisions....and if we're stuck....well, then our business is too.

Well, I recalled back to my teaching days & pulled out a little graphic I used with my students. Turns out it's a pretty handy little bit of info.  Simple, but a good reminder.

Decision Making Steps:

1. Pinpoint the problem (strip away fear & emotion and get to the heart of it)
2. Develop a plan  (target the steps needed to address the problem...not all the other junk we can distract ourselves with)
3. Carry out the plan (do it. just do it.  wait, is that copyrighted?)
4. Evaluate  (the part we all seem to forget. At some specific point stand back & ask, 'did this work'?

Whew. Now, off to decide what to tackle first........

Question: what decisions do you struggle with? What holds you back from making them?


Live a Colorful Life said...

What always holds me back is what other people will think. Like looking at my product and saying "What was she THINKING??"

It's a struggle for me to get past people's opinion controlling and stifling my creativity.

teedle. said...

I love your business tips - I always look forward to reading them.
I am bad with desicions. I tend to either jump into them without thinking of them or I think to hard about them.

Anonymous said...

Decision making...yikes! I have trouble deciding on a pair of boots. I received a recommendation from several friends about a book to read, "Getting Things Done" by David Allen. I'll let you know how it turns out!

Unknown said...

Great post! The hardest thing for me has been not to over think things. The best things have come when I've made a decision and then let it go (not wondering should I, could I, would I).

Thanks for a great post.