New Mama Survival Kit

Thursday, July 07, 2011

I've described the adjustment period of our brand new second baby as a whole lot of joy with little bits of chaos. Add to the mix a difficult recovery and it's just been a roller coaster over here! 
However, there are a few things I've found that have eased both my mind + spirit....

1. Coffee. Went 9 months without it. What can I say?

2. Business Books.  Love reading about specific brands and marketing perspectives.  (Different from Youngme Moon is one of my she was my husband's professor)

3. Journals.  Writing makes me happy. Scribbling little notes of love to Luke. Recording Jack's big-brother quotes. Streaming shop and product ideas. Drafting new posts and articles. All of this done mostly around 3am. 

4. iPhone.  Keeps me connected to friends and other things I love - like fabric and inspirational quotes when I'm feeling a little blue. 

5. Lip Gloss. A little something to beat the post-labor blahs....

6. Dark Chocolate. Not pictured. I ate it all :) 

{ While these things are scrumptious & helpful, nothing can replace the tokens of friendship & thoughtfulness sent our way!}


Linda said...

Hoping you have a speedy recovery!
Have you read "The Tipping Point" by Malcom Gladwell? Excellent book! You might enjoy it.

Pili said...

Yum, dark chocolate!

Glad you guys are adjusting little by little, I hope you'll be fully recovered soon!

Kelley said...

I'll have to keep these important essentials in mind for when I have a baby someday!

Denise said...

Thanks for reminding me what I need to have on hand! :) Hope all is going well with the Jacobs family!