
Monday, September 05, 2011

It's late evening and quiet here. I'm sighing a big sigh and praying a big prayer.

Our little Luke is facing some health challenges. And nothing pulls on a mother's heart quite like seeing her baby in pain. The last week is a blur- a mix of anxiety, worry, relief, more worry, angst, and gratitude has left me in a giant knot of emotion.  

After a big trip to the children's hospital for some diagnostics, it looks like everything will be manageable... but fine.  More appointments to come and specialists to meet, but hoping answers will follow. 


{image by the beautiful artist enrouge}


Jan said...

Sending positive thoughts your way. xo Jan

Kaci said...
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Dotty said...

Best wishes to you- hoping your little one will be well:)

Ingrid said...

Will be Praying for him and your family. Positive thoughts sent your way.

allisa jacobs said...

Thank you all for your kind words. It's been tough for sure...I keep telling myself we'll get through it! So appreciate all the kindness, xo

christy said...

So sorry to hear that. Wishing your family health and recovery.

Laura Beth said...

thinking of you and your little ones. prayers of healing and comfort. big hugs.

Sweet Pea Secrets said...

Wishing you all the best. I went through a health scare when my son was 8 weeks old. I am sending my most positive energy your way.

Jennifer said...

We have been there and it's not a fun road, is it? We were thinking our younger son had cancer because we found a huge mass in his belly and the doctor kept bringing more doctors in and then they would all go out in the hallway to talk....super scary. But a day a doernbecher full of tests and pokes and it was "just" his kidney. It still required surgery but it was amazing the perspective we had after thinking the worst. Take it one day at a time mama. You can do this. (And we had great experiences at St V's, Doern, and Emmanuel. And a friend has loved her experience at Shriners, so you're surrounded by great choices for medical care.) Prayers for you and your little guy.

Live a Colorful Life said...

I'm so behind that I missed the post about Luke. My prayers are with him and you. It's so hard when your little one is hurting. I hope everything will be resolved soon. You are all in my thoughts.