Hand Lettering Tips and Inspiration

Friday, August 22, 2014

Loving all this beautiful lettering I see everywhere. Makes me think of my high school notebooks filled with my experimental handwriting and script. Random words, curlicues, block letter, shadowing, fancy cursive - pretty much everything except the assignment (it's a wonder I made it into the Honor Society ;)   I'm now seeing that all that time-wasting could've been put to good use had I kept with it!

I'm thinking of brushing up on my writing skills - would make my thank you notes a whole lot prettier …and maybe just maybe, I could create a piece of hand lettered wall art for our house. I've found a few bits of inspiration, like tips from Breezy Cheetah on how to fake grate handwriting and Melissa Esplin's tutorial on Lettering with Watercolors (photo above).   And the amazing Cocorrina shares some of her personal lettering tips along with dozens of pretty designs she's created.

A few artists with lettering I love: 
jasmine dowling
brim papery

coco mingo
coco mingo
alston wise