Hey, Lucky Lady!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Look what was waiting for us on our doorstep last week....this snuggly, softy, oh-so-lovable owl from StelaBird. How happy was I to learn we won her blog giveaway?! Little Jack loved this owlie at first sight...in fact Mr. Owl is so covered in drool right now he made need a trip to the washer already. I definitely must've gotten the best prize given away anywhere all week, but Estela is super sweet to boot. I'm definitely keeping her shop on my list as we plan for the holidays.
Thanks Estela!


Anonymous said...

aww...I heart owls. I received the bib today and it's lovely!

p.s. I love Jack's costume! You have to stop feeding him cute pills

Leslie said...

i love Estela's owl snugglies. They are so cute!