I love this print/picture/creation! In my quest to think of crafts that Jack can complete with some independence, stamps seemed just the thing Anyhow, I drew the tree free hand (which is why it's all mishapen) but I'm sure there is a lovely naked tree template out there somewhere. Then, I set Jack free with the leaf stamps (well as free as I'd let a toddler with ink :) He loved it! The best bit- in addition to his genuine interest- was that we were able to have a bit of a conversation about it - he used the words "leaf" and "tree" and "fall" (as in fall off).
I'm proud as punch & thinking of framing this beauty!
I went a bit wild with the camera settings....here's some (what I think are) interesting photo alterations:
Designer of my namesake line of clutches & bags. On the lookout for color, design, and pretty DIY projects. I enjoy early mornings, strawberry shortcake, and chasing my two little boys. Making my own sunshine here in Portland.
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