Each time my husband's issue of Inc. Magazine arrives in the mailbox, I gleefully hide it away & sneak peeks as soon as I can, geekily enjoying all the business bits.

On Sundays I first reach for the Target ad, then the sports or metro, and then....the business section. Truly. And while I'm pouring my guts out here I might as well admit that I've got a few businessy books stacked up on my nighstand right now, next to my Maeve Binchys.
I have no explanation for this other than pure osmosis. Those little entreprenurial, managmenty, marketing bugs must've gotten in me in Boston while my husband attended business school. Because, up until then, even just the word "business" evoked strong headaches & disturbing images of The Donald, creepy corporate offices, and men's thin silky dress socks.
But even a simple girl like me has sort of embraced (though a bit undercover) the notions of business...which I'm defining as 'management.' Many business concepts helped me run my class of high school students with greater ease (!). And then again while running a household. And now.....while making a go of working from home.
So what's the big deal?
Now that I've confessed, there's no point in hiding anymore! Instead, I'll be starting a new section called "Business Bits" here every Monday to share my findings. Maybe I can even persuade the resident expert marketing guru and MBA genius (uh, my husband) to weigh in...
Have questions or areas of interest?....post a comment & I'll let you know what I find!
{{Image Credit Sadie Olive }}
That's a great idea! I'll be sure to share them with seller's I'm friends with, and keep them in mind if I ever start a business of my own.
I agree it's a great idea. I'm about to start selling myself so I'll be reading each week. x
Such a smart idea!
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