Change has been stirring for awhile now but as soon as this design popped into my head, I just knew it was right for me & the direction I'd like to take my collection.
I really savored the design process- choosing color palettes, fabric swatches, sketches, making a mood board, creating & photographing the flower on linen, and then the magical part where it all comes together via my husband & the computer.
Of course, change can be hard. The little patchwork field was something my husband created when I first started my shop. He designed it with my favorite colors, country spirit, and happy disposition in mind. In many ways it represented a bit of what I've always longed for- wide open spaces out in the country. He coined the name, "qultish" as well- a hybrid of my pervasive habit of adding -ish to the end of words and my initial bags which featured a quilted exterior. Times have changed & my outlook & style have transformed a bit too. So even though I'll always be more country than city, I've developed a more modern perspective that I hope will shine through in my shop...and in the designs I create.
But for all his time & thoughtfulness, I'll love that little logo forever. And I'll be keeping "quiltish" for my blog too- as I continue to develop my love for quilting & patchwork- but am moving forward with the 'allisa jacobs' brand. I guess it doesn't get more "me" than that!
Sooo, what's next? Look for more posts on label & packaging changes as well as new clutches, bags, & accessory sets in the bright prints I love but also a few herringbone, plaid, & linen fabrics.
Thank you so much for sharing in my makeover moment! It really does feel like a sassy new haircut :)
pssst.... for those of you who love blog buttons, I thought I'd give it a go while I was at it & create one you can grab & display on your blog!
grab the code:
<a border="0" href="http://www.quiltish.blogspot.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i56.tinypic.com/abi2xs.jpg"/></a>
Nice makeover! I love the new brand design, looks more professional. Good luck with everything! :-)
What a great make over, the new design is at the same time simple and modern, with a lot of class and a healthy does of cute!
Adding your button to my blog!
Wonderful! I love the colors and the simple, modern look.
It is very delicate and ethereal :D
Even though your products might have some country-look quilted patterns but they are photographed in a very modern way so I guess it really matches with your new banner right now!
I love it! I just updated my blog as well. I think change is good and refreshing!
Wow,Allisa, I love everything about it. E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.
LOVE it! Absolutely perfect!
Obsessed with it. :) Honestly, it's so classic and understated in the best way possible. LOVE IT!
Perfection! I love it so much! I love the simplicity, how modern it looks and clean. LOVE!!! So excited for you!
I absolutely love your old theme but I love this one, too. Awesome!
it's beautiful, allisa! well done! you've got such a distinct look, and i think this crisp yet natural feel for your new branding fits so well.
looking forward to seeing what you've got in store!
The new banner is just lovely. Simple and yet so perfect with the colors and textures. You did a fabulous job. I can't wait to see what you post next!
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