Behind the Scenes - My eBook Process

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

 I still find it hard to believe I actually finished this ginormous project, my e-book that is...but boy does it feel good to be done - and out there! I really truly created it hoping that my experience can be of help to others on their creative entrepreneurial path.  After I started my Business Bits series, I felt so good - so useful! sharing any insights or tips I learned along the way. I guess I just wanted to keep that good thing goin'. 

Last week I shared my inspiration for the book over at Oh My Handmade, here's another glimpse into my self-publishing process......along with a few tips for others who might want to write a book of their own. 

Each week, beginning back in January (yes, it was slow going for me!) I created to-do lists with very specific tasks...this helped me stay focused and also gave me a get-ready-set-go point when I found myself with a few minutes to spare. Contacting shops I thought had some business moxie to was one of the most rewarding aspects of the whole process. I am so thankful to those awesome people who contributed!

Tip: Develop a system that works for you. If it doesn't work don't keep trudging along. Fix it. 
I used my Table of Contents as a rough outline....which changed a lot. Sometime in Mid-March, all cozied up in Starbucks with dozens of sticky notes and edited revisions, I decided to change directions a bit.  Quite a bit actually.  I nixed all the "here's how you do this" kind of advice. I figured that was readily available in my Business Bits or other, I realized there was more of a need for creative entrepreneurs to build more than just another online shop, but create an authentic and meaningful brand. 

Tip: Make sure your topic is something you really believe in.
Revisions. and then some. 

At this point I shared my writing with my husband, who is an excellent writer. I trusted his edits & perspective. 

Tip: Let others in on the process. 

Chapters rearranged, merged, re-named, deleted

Drafts and more drafts.  I really, really want this to be something good. 
Rough sketch of the cover. My husband gets credit for the by-line. 

 Tip: keep record of all your brainstorms and ideas. It helps when you find yourself in a rut. 

color cover draft. 

Visualizing the end was a huge motivator. My original deadline of June fell by the way-side as I began to lost momentum and generally feel a little blue. Our second baby was due and I had all these emotions swirling about. Instead of begrudging myself for not completing it, I just had to put things on hold for a bit. When I picked up back again in August, I visualized the cover & fell back in love with what I wrote. The finish line became so much closer and attainable. 

Tip: Imagine the final product. And how good that will feel. 

Celebrating. Because accomplishments are awesome!  
(enjoying the time with my two best creations!)

Tip: Savor the finish line. You did something huge!

Head over to Merriweather Council to enter to win a copy of my book
Look for upcoming book tour stops at Perideau Designs, The Academy, and Rik Rak