Making Mistakes

Friday, August 17, 2012


Adore this print from ModCloth, and it's just what I need to hear. Sometimes I'm just so worried about doing something wrong I don't do anything at all. Ugh. I try reminding myself that some of the most amazing experiences & revelations come from our biggest flops. At least, that's how it works for me. Seems like a lot of my business know-how came from trial & error.... Anyone else feel like this? 

I guess it's easy to have regrets & focus on our errors, but this print inspired me to think of mistakes I've made that I'm actually thankful for:

1.  Not following my gut early on in business.  ->  Lesson learned.

2.  A textile design mess up that has turned into one of my favorite prints. 

3.  My first product photos. They were sad.  I love seeing how far I've come...

4.  Not trying my hardest in college.  Inspired me to work my butt off later in grad school. 

5.  Passed up the opportunity for invite-only honors arts class. (what was I thinking?!)  I know to never let a good thing pass me by again...

6. Gave in too easily with important decisions. Now I hold on to what I really treasure. 

Ok, don't hold back- I'd love to hear what mistakes you've made that have only made you better!