March Desktop Calendar

Friday, March 01, 2013

march 2013 desktop calendar

Ok, I know I say this every month, but really, truly I can not believe it is March. I mean, I've got my wall calendar set on January.  Just yesterday, someone asked how old my baby is and I said, very confidently, 16 months (um, he'll be 2 in June).  In my head, I've been thinking, 'I need to get this done before wedding season' - which promptly arrived in my shop, oh I don't know, about a gazillion sales ago.  And, despite it all, I continue to say, "oh, we just moved in!"  This month marks a year in our new home.  (which I guess, isn't even really new anymore??

So, ok, I get it. I need to get with the program here! 

I think this beauty of a desktop calendar, along with a brisk walk admiring all the new blooms, and a hot cup of coffee this afternoon should do the trick. 

(And if it doesn't, someone please shake me!!) 

Want this pretty calendar too? You can find it over at Nicole's Classes (a fun, design instruction site) to download.

Cheers to March! 