Let's Do This - Venturing into Fabric Design

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Happy June! I have no idea where this past week went, practically a blur of preschool mania & Via coffee packs....and pursuing my new venture - fabric design. 
Yep! After years of wishing and hoping I could create with my own fabric, I've decided to take the plunge and learn the ropes. It's something I've always had in my head - I could visualize the colors and designs, but unfortunately, my tech skills pretty much ended at power point presentations and computerized attendance charts (pretty handy as a teacher).... 

Here's my little design work space....hoping we can finish painting the house so I can turn my studio into a full on happy place of creative goodness complete with mood boards and such. But this will do :) 
What's the master plan? For now, I'm going to work on some designs with the idea of an actual collection. I'd like to be able to offer these to my customers for further customization of their clutches and bags. 
Beyond that, we'll see ;) 
Speaking of wedding orders....here's a lovely one I completed this week - all set for summer!
With design on my mind, I've been a photo-taking fool around town. 
Here: the stationery section of Target. 

And a little fabric appliquéd journal for a dear friend. I made gobs of these years ago and am always happy with how simple & happy they turn out! 

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend, 