Make Something Good Today

Sunday, October 07, 2012

In search of a keeper of thoughts sort of thing. (you know, a journal...) I spotted this beauty over at Chronicle Books. I hesitate to say journal because for me, a serial journal deserter, it feels like a lot of pressure.  For awhile, in college, I kept one every day (really, one of the few things I was disciplined about ;)  and when pregnant with both boys I keep a special diary for them - writing to them each day, sharing my dreams for them, my excitement, anxiety, and sometimes worry. I hope it's something they will treasure one day. 

But, I've been looking for a way - a non techy way, to keep my thoughts and ideas. I love the feel of pencil on paper, the way writing feels like you're capturing something and committing it to the test of time.  

And the notion of 'making something good today' - feels so light and possible. No pressure of lengthy entries, just a little note, a brief moment of goodness! 

I'd love to hear you keep your thoughts & dreams & ideas :)