New Fabric Designs, A Bundle of Textile Goodness!

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

allisa jacobs textile designs
Popping in for a quick hello to share a few new fabric designs I've whipped up. Always a good day when the mailman makes a Spoonflower delivery ;) 

These beauties are still in the works...some were designed specifically for a client, while I'm still pondering the destiny of the others. I'd love to hear what you think!  Here's a little look-see:

allisa jacobs textile designsallisa jacobs textile designs
These two florals were inspired by Matisse and a spoonflower challenge. I created a kind of painterly effect that was really fun to incorporate. It was something different for me, but I'm happy with the result. I sort of fell in love with them and may be building on from their design..... 

allisa jacobs textile designsallisa jacobs textile designs
I love the colors in this one, it was hard for me to resist including some sort of orange. Must. Show. Restraint. 

Anyhow, I'm envisioning a whole cloth wall hanging for this one. I love how the chevron design creates diamond/squares. Could make for a really cool quilting effect. 

allisa jacobs textile designs

See those little birds in flight there? I created them using triangles, it needs some work but I love how one shape comes together to create the bird. 

The second one down is actually micro decagons and created for a big, local company. I'm working with them to create something awesome....excited to see where that leads! 

So there they are, a lovely little bundle of design happiness!